Monday, July 20, 2009

Barb's Photos

Barbara is Cheri's Mother and she has a knack for photography. Argus and Barb are the proud grandparents of the 6 most adorable grand kids in the world. (Hey, I can say that, 4 of them are mine and I'm writing this.) Have you ever seen photos taken by 2 different people, in the same area but the shots looks totally different? It's amazing how different photos can look and what one person sees compared to another.

To purchase one of Barb's photo just click on the button below the photo and specify the size you are wanting. Your photos will come to you without the It's So Very Cheri watermark stamp, on the art. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. If you could look through Barb's lens this is what you would see.

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